Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe


call toll-free # 866-214-sauk

Bit of History

The Sauk-Suiattle Indian people have lived under the gaze of Whitehorse Mountain for many generations: as Fishermen, Gatherers and Hunters in the region of Sauk Prairie and near the present-day towns Darrington, Marblemount and Rockport, WA. In the early days, we were known as the Sah-ku-me-hu.

We were canoe people, plying the swift waters of the Sauk, Suiattle, Stillaguamish, Cascade and Skagit Rivers in our river canoes. Though our homelands were in the foothills of the North Cascades, we often traveled downriver to Puget Sound. There we harvested saltwater fish, shellfish, and other foods not available in the mountains. We frequently voyaged in large seagoing canoes.

We also traveled over the mountains to gather food, herbs and other necessities. We became skilled horsemen, trading with tribes from Eastern Washington. Our free roaming horses grazed among our relatives there.

1855 Treaty

Our Homelands

Sah-ku-méhu homelands were the entire drainage area of the Sauk, Suiattle and Cascade Rivers. We had an important village at Sauk Prairie, near the confluence of the Sauk and Suiattle Rivers.
The village consisted of eight traditional cedar longhouses which were destroyed in 1880s by early non-Indian settlers who had laid claim to these lands under the U.S. Homestead Act and Dawes Act. ↓

Tribal membership

Before the 1855 Treaty, which is a constitutionally enforceable compact, Our Tribe was around 4,000 strong. By 1924 our numbers dwindled to 18 members.
Residents in the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Reservation are the surviving descendents of the original peoples who lived in this special valley.
Current membership numbers over 350 individuals.

Land issue

We thus became a landless people, but continued to live in scattered groups close to our traditional homelands. Though many of our tribal members left the area or joined other neighboring tribes during our exodus, we maintained our tribal government, our social structure, our identity, and most importantly, our hope for the future.

Enrollment requirements

The Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe's enrollment requirement is one quarter Indian Blood and proof of decendency from the ancestral Native Americans who inhabited this unique valley, as recorded in the 1940-1942 Indian Census Rolls.

One can apply for membership at any time.


Our Staff provides multiple services throughout the week, including Daycare and Preschool, Elders Food Program, Substance Abuse Treatment, Community Protection Advocacy and Wellness Center, Bus Service between Darrington and Concrete, etc.

ECEAP Preschool

Educational Experiences include language skills, self-help activities, social skills & self-esteem building, field trips, kindergarten prep. Family Support provides parent education & training, information about local resources, family fun nights & activities, involvement in your child’s education, involvement in decision making. Health and Nutrition care accounts for vision & hearing screenings, well-balanced meals & snacks, education on health & nutrition, connections to medical & dental resources.


Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Drop-ins are welcome, please call ahead to ensure that space is available. Rates: Tribal members from federally recognized tribe rates based on sliding fee scale; All Others: 1 to 3 years: $3.00 per hour per child -.- 3 years to kindergarten: $2.75 per hour per child -.- 5 to 12 years: $2.50 per hour per child. All rates are per hour; 10% discount for 2 or more children; DSHS accepted.

Health & Social

The goal of the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe's Health and Social Services Department is to provide health care, social services, drug and alcohol prevention, aftercare rehabilitation, and alcohol counseling to children, youth, adults, and elders of our community in a manner that best reflects our cultural beliefs: a safe environment. We aim to create safe and healthy paths to bridge the differences between our Sauk Suiattle culture and the majority culture.

Protection & Wellness

Reiki, a form of energy healing, is a gentle healing practice geared towards removing any energy blocks in our system caused by emotional, mental or physical stress and pain. Ionic detox foot bath is a natural method of assisting the body in eliminating harmful toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful foreign matter. Life Path Way lessons is a healing method utilizing teachings from various Native American tribes and our animal helpers to identify the lesson of your life path and provide clarity.


Tribal Members and counting


Projects across departments


Employees and hiring

Call To Action

For Covid-19 information check out the tribe's Public Safety Facebook page by clicking the button below.

Call To Action

Pow Wow | Canoe Journey | Workshops

* Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe's Pow Wow, celebration of generations we call "Community is Unity" takes place every year in late August, at our Sauk Prairie grounds. To take part as Food or Craft Vendor, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
* Last year we paddled to Lummi, come see us journey to Nanaimo in 2020
* Our Workshops and Museum are open to all!

  • All
  • pow wow
  • canoe journey
  • workshops


2020 Election Results are in (for the election held on December 3, 2019).
Please find the documents for the next cycle here:
Election Ordinance | Eligible Voters list | Voter Registration Form
Sample Ballot | Candidate Application Form | Constitution

Open Positions

Health & Social Services: Nurse Practitioner
Education: Family Support/Education Assistant
Education: Childcare Assistant

*updated June 25, 2020*

To apply for any position:


As a small sovereign nation of American Indians, the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe, shares the belief of all our tribal nations,
that the Earth is our Mother and that the Creator resides beyond the skies and within our own beings.
While we strive to protect our Mother Earth, so does she shelter us in so many ways from harm.

Łušudubicid čəd! ["loo-shoe-do-be-tsid--ched"] - See you later!

Our Address

5318 Chief Brown Lane, Darrington, WA 98241

Email Us

Call Us

+1 360 436 0131
866 214 7285 (toll free)